Why solar

Reap the benefits of adding solar to your build.

If you’re thinking about building, there’s never been a better time to consider solar.

Solar by the numbers


tax credit

In 2022, the business investment tax credit on solar increased from 26% to 30% and has been extended to 2033. That’s the percentage you can recoup from your investment right away. Other savings include local and state incentives, net metering programs and, of course, your monthly electrical expense.


year payback

Solar panel costs have dropped 77% percent since 2010, while the quality has risen. With the many incentives to installing solar—from tax credits to rebates and more—most systems are paid off within 6 years and, in some cases, in as few as 3 years.


years of free energy

Tech advancements have increased the efficiency and durability of solar systems. Most solar arrays come with a 30-year warranty and will still be generating 85% of their production in year 30. That means a system that’s paid off in 5 years will produce 25+ years of free electricity.

Lower energy costs are just the beginning.

The most obvious benefit of installing commercial solar panels is the money your business will save year after year on low-cost electricity. That’s money you can reinvest into growing your business. But financial benefits are just one reason to consider solar. There are also brand and productivity benefits that make solar even more appealing.

Build with a partner who knows solar.

With all of its benefits, solar comes with a number of complexities. That’s why it’s important to choose an experienced partner who can help you navigate the process and choose the right system and financing options for your build. BCI and our trusted solar partners can help you get the best return on your investment for years to come.

Ready to build your tomorrow?