
Preservation, Restoration, and Reconstruction Expertise

Historical properties can bring a multitude of opportunities in regards to aesthetics, design and costs. Each era of construction had unique practices and capabilities that others did not. You can see this starkly in regards to natural light, air transfer, stairways and hallways, construction materials and so much more. There is a delicate balance between the buildings original intent and it’s new intent. Especially when it comes to maintaining or repairing original finishes, or replicating like finishes.

For construction companies with little experience in historical construction, preserving the historical value while creating a functional and updated space is not often a straightforward task. The building and its history is typically an important factor to the building owner and the community. Understanding the importance to those groups is often the indicator of what we can, and cannot, retrofit in regards to the façade, building features or geography.

Code requirements and updated changes can lead to difficult alterations in the construction process. Requirements might include accessibility, energy code updates, abatement of outdated building materials, fire code, and much more. Managing these issues without jeopardizing the building’s natural character is a difficult task that requires unique skills.

BCI has completed several projects with Clients while partnering with the Historical Preservation Office and National Park Service to ensure the historical status of the building is preserved and credits are achieved.

 Why BCI?

Historical renovations are not for everybody. These types of projects can be costly, require a long process, spaces often lack efficiency and retrofits are often specialized and unique. However the rewards can be great. You could be left with high airy spaces, ornate woodwork throughout, large fenestrations and an appreciation for true conservation. Lastly, there can be great financial incentive, if you go through the formal Rehabilitation Tax Credit process. 

From updating outward appearance to full renovation projects, view a few examples of our successful restoration projects below: